Category: Newsletters
bookmark_borderNewsletter from our Secretary Diane Reed
Coachella Valley Chapter # 360
Order of the Eastern Star
I hope everyone is having a good summer and staying cool. It has been a busy year for the Chapter as we have had some interruptions early in the year due to COVID, we have had several initiations and affiliations, we welcomed Desert Valley Chapter in a consolidation, and we have actively participated in the All Members Instructionals.
Welcome to our new members.
Please join me in welcoming our new members. We are excited to have you and to get to know you better. In April we initiated Betty Kern and Tracey Hildebrand-Helmy in a beautiful ceremony. We have also affiliated Sandra Curtis from Escondido and Jean Young from Traverse City, Michigan. If you join us at a meeting and see a new face, please take a moment to introduce yourself.
Wishing Vivian Neal a very happy 100th Birthday! We are congratulating Tricia Bethel-Sookhoo and PK Michalski on the 25th anniversary of their initiation.
Dues are due January 1 of each year. If you have not yet paid your dues for 2022, I have sent a notice to you. If you are struggling to pay your dues, please contact me, the Worthy Matron or Worthy Patron. We are happy to work with you in a confidential manner.
Please understand what your dues cover for 2022. The chapter pays $45.07 per member and if you are not a life sponsor of the home, we also pay $10.00 each for Home Assessment. The Per Capita typically goes up each year to cover the expenses of Grand Chapter, insurance, Scholarship and Benevolent funds along with the home maintenance program.
During the consolidation we had a very thoughtful discussion about dues. It is never an easy subject. It was presented to the consolidated chapter and the membership voted to have our dues for 2023 at $75.00 plus Home Assessment if you are not a Life Sponsor of the Home. Please start planning your budgets now.
If you are interested in a Life Membership for our chapter or Life Sponsorship for the Home, please either call me or email and I will be glad to give you the details.
We are now up to over 150 members. Each newsletter costs about $1 to print and mail out. If you are receiving this in print, please call or email me if you would be willing to receive this by email.
If you are receiving this by email, I will attach the flyers for these events, otherwise, please see for the flyer. Please also RSVP to allow the organizers to have enough seats and refreshments.
-Aug 3 Reception Marilyn Mahaffey Gr Rep Virginia, Ontario
-Aug 6 Reception Catie McQuarter DGM Dist 35 and Will McQuarter Gr. Rep Missouri Riverside
-Aug 12 OV Dist 38 & 39 El Cajon
-Aug13 Reception Gr Ruth, Norwalk Masonic Center
-Aug 14 Reception Gr Esther, San Pedro
-Aug 25 Reception Brian Messenger Gr Rep Florida, Orange
-Aug 28 WGP Homecoming, South Pasadena
-Sept 3 Reception Julie Strahl Dist 36, Yucaipa San Gorgonio
-Sept 10 Masonic Family Picnic, Palm Desert Country Club
-Sept 13 Regular Meeting, Potluck at 6 pm
-Sept 17 WGM/WGP Reception, Stockton
-Sept 21 Revelation, Ventura
From the East
Summertime has come and we are having a good time getting together for light suppers. On July 15th 20 of us gathered at the Red Robin Restaurant for a NO HOST supper. Everyone had a good time getting together after a month-long vacation. We will again do this at Makarios Grill in Indio on the 12th of August. Again, a NO HOST supper. Just call me and let me know you will be there so we can have a special room for some more good times.
On Sept. 10th will be the Family Picnic with Desert Day Light Lodge in Palm Desert from 11:00 to 3:00 pm. Hamburgers and hot dogs will be supplied, and we are asking the members that do come to bring a small dish that you would bring to a picnic. Example: watermelon slices, potato salad, cut up veggies or whatever you would like to bring. Should be a lot fun and maybe meet many new people who might like to join Eastern Star.
On the 13th of Sept. we will once again have our regular meeting. This has always been a POTLUCK so bring one of your favorite dishes for all to enjoy. Tell us all about your summer and what you did. Our Dawn will be back from the boy scout camp which should be interesting to hear all about that.
Try to stay cool for the rest of the summer and we will see all who wish to attend the above get together and have some more “fun” times.
I look forward to seeing everyone in September. The picnic should be fun as we are joining up with the Masons for this event. Meet old friends and new.
If I may be of service to you in any way, please contact me at 760-217-8397 or
Until we meet again,