bookmark_borderOES: Let’s Whip Cancer Campaign

California Order of the Eastern Star via 

Wed, Jan 25, 6:27 PM (17 hours ago)

to me

Sisters and Brothers,

Please see the attached message from Brother Bill Prentiss, General Grand Chapter Committee Member - Cancer, PGP.


Tammy Kinzy

Grand Secretary


This message was sent from California Order of the Eastern Star
16960 Bastanchury Road Yorba Linda, CA 92886

(Click the link below to download or copy and paste the link into your browser)

Let's Whip Cancer Flyer (pdf) < >

Cancer Indy Campaign 3 (3)

bookmark_borderOfficial Visit

Visitation Nite 2023

Jane Bradfield

AttachmentsJan 21, 2023, 1:25 PM (19 hours ago)

to Gayler, Dawn, Rodney, Isabella, Crystal, Raelene, Cec, Lorelei, Jeanne, Jayne, Tracey, me, Lucille, Nancy, Susan, Cynthia, Nicole, Marlene, Donna, Diane, Jean, JayLynn
Hello there all,
Here is the flyer for our district’s Official Visit. It will be at our chapter on Sunday, March 12th. Lunch begins at 11 am, and the meeting begins at 1 pm. This is an extremely important event for the chapters in our district and is for all members, not just installed officers.
Please plan to attend!  We will discuss the details during our next meeting.
Happy weekend everyone.
Star love,
Jane Bradfield, Worthy Matron

bookmark_borderOES: Southern California OES “Purple Elephant Project Event”

OES: Southern California OES "Purple Elephant Project Event"

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Please join us on Saturday, March 11, 2023 to support our WGM and WGP Service Project "The Purple Elephant"  benefiting Alzheimer's International.   We hope you will join us for dinner and participate in the fun activities that are planned.   Please see the attached flyer for further information.

Tammy Kinzy

Grand Secretary

20230311 Purple Elephant Southern CA 2023 (2)

bookmark_borderCalStar News – From OESCAL.ORG

Welcome to the Cal Star News Online!  All the articles and features that you have come to know and love in previous Cal Star News publications are included in the newsletters below for your enjoyment.  Each edition will include messages, reports, and feature articles from our members and Chapters. Please take a look at the below editions to see all the wonderful information that is available in this publication.


Chapter Strategic Plan – 01/08/22

Welcome Letter from WM-WP after Initiation (2019)

Member Handbook (2019)

Welcome Letter Informing Mentee of Mentor-CGCMC (2019)

New & Returning Member Mentor checklist CGC Mentorship (2019)

Line Officer Mentoring Checklist (2019)

Officer Mentoring Checklist (2019)

CA OES Masonic Tie that Binds (2019)

CA OES Taking the Next Setp: IORG & JDI Brochure (2019)

Connecting to Youth Groups and Lodges